1 > Added sugars will be progressively banned from production. They will be banned for consumption by children under 18 from day one.
2 > Production of most products containing additives* and dangerous chemicals will be prohibited. (all products in red and orange in Corinne Gouget’s book Additifs Alimentaires Danger!). Production can be resumed when they are able to make them without risk to our health or the environment.
3 > As soon as the production of alternative foods has been organized, we will no longer be allowed to eat animal products. There will be many exceptions, especially for the so-called ‘‘traditional’’ peoples. In the meantime, drastic measures will be taken to improve animal welfare. Seafood will only be sold within 500km of the place where it was caught. Their level of toxicity will have to be analyzed and specified. Many industrial fishing techniques will be halted.
4 > Many species such as gorillas, whales, dolphins and sharks will be considered protected species.
5 > All boats fishing for cetaceans will be confiscated and donated to Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd. Seamen will be compensated.
6 > There will be a total ban on all GMOs and DNA manipulation.
7 > Self-sustaining foods will be highlighted, including sprouted seeds and mushrooms that
everyone can easily grow at home.
8 > All armed forces will be sent to Africa, Asia, South America, and countries in need, to dig wells and plant fruit trees. These armies will have one month to ensure that no one in the world dies of hunger. Huge seawater desalination plants will be built in Africa and wherever else it is necessary.
9 > Detox centers will be opened to remove added sugars, sodas, junk food, chemical drugs, etc.
10 > Phaseout of refined grains such as white wheat, white rice, etc.
11 > Phaseout of the use of unfermented soybeans*.